Sesame Balls

Sesame Ball Dough

  • 2 cups sugar
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
  • 5 1/4 ounces of taro, generously peeled and 
  • cut into ½ inch slices crosswise
  • one 1-pound bag glutinous rice flour
  • grapeseed, corn, or canola oil for deep-frying
  • 1 cup white sesame seeds
  • Date Filling
  • 1 pound dried dates
  • ½ cup maltose sugar
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon salt

To prepare date filling, puree all ingredients in
a food processor until smooth, scraping bowl
as necessary.  Refrigerate until use.
Put the sugar, salt, and baking soda in the
bowl of an electric mixer.  Mix well and set
aside. Prepare a steamer with the water at a
rolling boil.  Add the taro and steam until very
soft, 10 minutes. It should be soft enough so
that if poked with a knife, it will fall apart.
Immediately transfer the taro to the electric mixer
bowl with the sugar mixture and beat with the
paddle attachment on medium speed until the
sugar dissolves and the mixture is pasty.
Meanwhile, bring 1 cup water to a boil. Turn
the mixer speed to low and add the glutinous
rice flour. When the mixture is crumbly,
add the boiling water all at once. Continue
beating the dough until it is soft and only
slightly sticky. Squeeze the dough into a ball,
wrap in plastic wrap, and then refrigerate
until completely cooled.  When cool, shape
the dough into a log 1-inch in diameter   and
cut the log into 2-inch lengths. Flatten each
piece of dough with your palm into a circle,
4-inches in diameter and 1/4-inch thick. Put
1 tablespoon of the date filling into the center
of a circle, then bring the edges together and
pinch shut. Pinch off the excess dough at the
two end points then roll the filled dumpling
into a ball. Repeat with the remaining dough
circles and filling.
Fill a deep, heavy saucepan (at least 6” wide)
with oil to a depth of at least 4-inches. Bring
to 300 degrees. Fill a shallow dish with water.
Roll sesame balls in the water, just enough to
moisten then roll in the sesame seeds. Using
a slotted spoon, carefully lower half of the
coated balls into the oil and cook until they
float, about 5 minutes. Do not disturb the
balls at all when they cook. Carefully remove
from oil and drain on paper towels. Repeat
with the remaining balls.  Serve immediately
or at room temperature.


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